I grew up with dogs. I don’t really remember a time in my life when I didn’t own a dog, either with my parents or even after I got married. It had been eight years since I owned a pet. Sure my parents still had dogs that I loved and treated as my own.
Our last Rottweiler we had 8 years ago got sick and it was very hard on the family to say good bye. With the boys schedule being so hectic, we decided to wait on getting another dog since we are just not at home and wouldn’t be able to give it the time and love a dog deserves.

Bo gives me unconditional love. When I have a hard day – whether at work or just what life brings, to walk up the stairs and have Bo eagerly waiting for me, brings a huge smile to my face and to my heart and pushes everything difficult to the back burner, even for just a little while.
Bo is such a snuggler also. To just lay next to him, he knows not to move and lays there knowing that mama just needs a good hug!